Mary's Pooch Paradise
Items to discuss with your dog care provider
In order to ensure a worry-free vacation both for you and your pet, below is a list of topics to discuss with your care provider.
Length of Stay (pick up and drop off date/time)
Contact information (name, email and phone)
Emergency contact information (name and phone)
​Allowed to make medical decisions?
Food type
Feeding schedule
Walking schedule
Is pet spayed or neutered?
Does pet have a microchip? (if yes, company and chip #)
Allergies or health issues
Where does pet sleep?
Any personal belongings being dropped off with pet
Behavior profile
​Does pet bolt out of front door?
Has pet jumped a fence?
Does pet play well with other dogs?
Does pet play well with cats?
Has pet ever been in a tussle or bitten a person or another pet?
Any behavioral issues or destructive habits
Medication needed
Vet's name and number
Date of last shots (including rabies, bordetella, DHLP)
Date of last flea treatment
Additional special instructions